
Hello there, and welcome to ICONOCLAST, Western University’s arts & culture collective.

ICON is your space as much as it is our space. We’re here to support personal, intersectional, and interdisciplinary examinations of our lives on and off campus. We are here to bridge boundaries between mediums and connect campus artists. Each issue aims to be a nuanced discussion about an idea—the glitches in our lives, the plasticity of modern society, existing in a state of resistance. This is a space to explore the complex connections between art, identity, and politics, in every medium imaginable. Each of our publications is a conversation between us and you. Without care or inhibition, we want to hear your voice, whether it take the form of a painting, photo, poem, film, or nonfiction piece.

In February of 2016, ICON was founded by Sama Al-Zanoon, Emma Cohen, Nara Monteiro, Diyana Noory, and Emily Wood on a dorm room floor as a seemingly unattainable dream. From our first meeting, to receiving our first glittering submissions, to the release of our first magazine, we have grown to encompass more people and perspectives than we ever expected. But here we are. Below is a record of the first milestones in our journey. We invite you to be a part of our next one.

Join us—whether you contribute to our next issue, apply to join the team, attend our upcoming events, or propose a new idea altogether. We wouldn’t be here without your art and enthusiasm.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Anthony, Jules, Paniz, Sophia, & Zoe <3

first icon meeting
founding team
first release